The Muslim raiders first burnt the libraries so people would ignore and forget their history and cultural values. They killed millions of Iranians and forced them to not even mourn for their lost, but rather to cry for the Jihadists who were killed for the cause of Islam. Nowadays, Iranians never commemorate the past of their country and those who sacrificed their lives to defend the rights of their nation. But every year, for thirteen days, they commemorate through mourning, weeping and self-torture the Jihadist grandchildren of Muhammad who died for the cause of Islam. Furthermore, even today if a person dares to mention the terrible price the Iranians paid at the hands of the Islamists, he or she would immediately be called an infidel and face a terrible death. If the one who criticizes is a virgin girl, she will be raped the night before her death (according to Shari’a a virgin must not be killed as a virgin). On the following day after her death, her killer, as part of his religious obligation, with the blessing of his Jihadist leader, must go to her family’s house and call her mother and say to her:
"I took your daughter’s virginity before sh"e was killed; here, take this, this is her dress, and this little amount of money is also for you as an exchange for having sex with your daughter."Iranian Islamists still practice this and it breaks the hearts of many mothers, though many of these mothers are Muslims themselves. When Islam takes over a society, ‘discrimination’ becomes the master of almost everyone’s life in that society. If a member of a family stands up against an Islamic leader, all other members of the family also have to pay the price for this rebellion - unless they stand against their own family member and hand over him/her to the authorities.
Imagine if one day this were to happen to Christians and non-Muslims in their own countries. Imagine a day when the US and the UK no longer commemorate those innocents who lost their lives in the ‘Twin Towers’ blasts or the recent London bombings, but rather commemorate the death of the suicide bombers.
As I look back at my own country’s history, I see how this has happened in Iran. My hope is that some people hearing this will pay attention to what I am saying for the sake of their children and the safe future of their families and countries. But, how painful it is for me in the West, when you feel that not many people want to believe you. Not only this, sometimes some people will even stand against you or charge you with vilifying Islam and Islamists, as happened with the two other Daniels in the State of Victoria in Australia.
Those who have made themselves the centre of their own lives in the West and who do not have any sense of the source of their civilization, do not know how to appreciate their freedom. In other words, they do not care about the sacrifices that have already been paid for their rights to be protected. How could you then expect them to listen to your call and be aware of the similar dangers awaiting them in the future? The saying is true: "those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it" (Santayana).
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