The word “Freedom” is a dynamic word, which encourages people to search for the best value that brings enlightenment and leads people to just, peaceful and loving relationship. For freedom injustice, extortion and dictatorship are barriers to enlightenment. A freed person does not believe that a belief or a philosophy is able to take justice and peace to victory and establish a loving relationship with imposing itself on people. Unfortunately, many so called free people in the West are missing this simple logic and therefore are confused.
The recent centuries in the West prove that how the tyrannical regimes disappeared because of the freedom fighters. They spoke out and even put their lives in danger of cruel leaders so that their contemporary communities and the future generation could have chance for life. They knew that to establish freedom you need to be born in it and then live in and for it. Even some of them were burnt by dictators in the squares of Europe. Their oppressors tried every politic in order to extinguish the flame of freedom in hearts of these warriors, but they were unable and lost the battle. Because, many people, young and old, were able to understand that freedom was better than life. If you are not free you will have a better life. The power of logic in these men and women also flattened the mountain-like slavery in the West and amazed the whole world. These warriors of freedom would become so discouraged if they knew that their descendants would one day want to belittle the sacrifices of their forefathers and surrender themselves to the enemies of freedom.
Sadly, the Islamists have started to annihilate the free values in the West, and the West is not only quiet but has also started to deny the core values of its culture because of its ignorance first, and of fear of Islamists second. How can you protect freedom if you do not know the difference between freedom and authoritarianism, the enemy of freedom? The major problem of the West is its lack of understanding the doctrine of its enemies. Those who do not know or are not interested in knowing the doctrine of their enemies, they will not be able to protect their families, lands and values.
Qur’an declares that the religion of Allah must triumph over all and the values of non-Muslims are against the faith of Allah. Islamists walk in the streets of England and proclaim “Freedom Belongs to Hell”. In America they raise their voices in the streets, breaching the democracy and saying that “Islam will bring you down and dominate soon”. Despite all these clear evidences, the West is unbelievably indifferent towards the protection of it societies. If we do not protect our societies from the spread and invasion of Islam, do we believe that Islamists will spare our civilization? Didn’t they kill millions of middle-eastern non-Muslims and burnt their books and libraries and demolished their civilizations throughout the history? Is there any freedom in any sixty or so Islamic countries now?
Mohammed believed that no one had right to speak above his words (Q.33:36; 8:12-13), do you believe that his followers would chase a western direction other than his? Do you believe that a branch cuts its own root? Islamists have learned from their history that they always rule if the society is kept in ignorance. They have also learned from the Qur’an that terrorism (Q.8:59) creates fear; fear creates ignorance and silence; and the silence leads to denial. They are certain that if the West goes like this, they will dominate.
The doctrine of Islam is profoundly foreign to the westerners. Even the leaders in the West welcome Islam to their societies more than their followers. They have lost their sight of the unique values of Judeo-Christian values. Islam, therefore, is called by them “a religion of peace”. These people are called the head and brains of the West.
How many of these leaders in the West know how Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Jordan and Palestine and others became Islamic? How many of them know that the Qur’an states that “Muslims are better than others (Q.3:110)”, and all others have to be subject to Muslims (Q.9)? Pluralism and political correctness have blinded many. The only thing they have memorized is that no one has right to criticize the hate spreading Islam and Muslims. I am amazed of how these leaders call themselves the forerunners of leadership in the universe, but keep themselves quiet to what are done to non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia, Iran and other Islamic countries. Don’t they feel embarrassed in their relationship with Saudi Arabia where the least human right is ignored? How do they clearly ignore the international and global reciprocity? How do they expect to be good in their relationship with Saudi Arabia and expect nothing back? Why don’t they want to be treated fairly by Islamic countries? Why do they want to be friend with someone who manipulates them and takes advantage of them? Does a free person keep quiet against authoritarianism and injustice? Haven’t they learned any lesson from freedom in order to be able to teach the cruel Islamic countries? This is what Islam desires; the infidels do not have rights to speak above Muslims and stand for their rights.
O God, wake the West up; remove the dark veil over the minds of leaders in the West so that they understand that they have been brought up to such positions in order to love their nations more than their positions and incomes and protect them from freedom hunters. O Heavenly Father, raise many who love to live for freedom and are ready to sacrifice for it.
About Daniel Shayesteh
Dr Daniel was born into a Muslim family in Northern Iran. He became a radical Muslim leader and teacher of Islam in the militant Free Islamic Revolutionary Movement, closely supporting Ayatollah Khomeini. However, after falling out of favor with Khomeini’s political group, he escaped to Turkey where there began an amazing journey to faith in Jesus Christ.
Daniel's mission is to help others understand and lovingly respond to those who do not know Christ. He is also deeply concerned for the future of Western societies, their loss of confidence in Judeo-Christian values, and their persistent naivete about the implications of the world-wide Islamic revival.
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