About Daniel Shayesteh

Dr Daniel was born into a Muslim family in Northern Iran. He became a radical Muslim leader and teacher of Islam in the militant Free Islamic Revolutionary Movement, closely supporting Ayatollah Khomeini. However, after falling out of favor with Khomeini’s political group, he escaped to Turkey where there began an amazing journey to faith in Jesus Christ.

Daniel's mission is to help others understand and lovingly respond to those who do not know Christ. He is also deeply concerned for the future of Western societies, their loss of confidence in Judeo-Christian values, and their persistent naivete about the implications of the world-wide Islamic revival.

Why is the West a soft touch for Islam?

In our previous letter, we ended our comments with this sentence, “If we do not know our enemy and do not create awareness in the community, the enemy will grow and dominate us.” Our focal point was Allah, the god of Islam, who is the root of problems for Muslims in their relationship with others. In 1400 years of Islamic history, we can see and read how Allah’s schools were strongly established with the influential doctrine of Taqiyya (holy deception). This was a deceptive tactic used to show Islam as the religion of light, but in reality, the religion of darkness and destruction.
Most westerners do not know this because:

1.    They have lost the relational values of life to a great degree and have replaced them with individualism and “money and success”. This is the bottom line of their cultural skeleton now. The life value of Christ, which is the “loving relationship”, does not have a role in their lives anymore. With an overriding focus on money and success, it is obvious that they will succeed (oil based countries) whose money is big.
2. They are not communal anymore and do not feel attached to a community with a shared language, or legal and cultural values. They are aloof individuals for whom everything is right.
When community decreases and individualism becomes stronger, people do not show interest in the root of their shared history and culture, and thereby the ground becomes ready for those, like committed Muslims, who aim to dominate. The best time for Islamic occupation is when people are not united. How does this happen?
When people are indifferent and do not feel responsible for the well being of their societies, their leaders start to focus on their own personal needs and the needs of their intimate family members and friends. This is the time when the enemy finds easy access for penetration and eventual domination. The enemy knows that those leaders who are not attached to their nations can be bought or easily deceived. 

Let us give you a few examples.
Seven hundred years ago, Muslim evangelists and businessmen migrated to Indonesia and manipulated its leaders with this same philosophy. They knew that an easy occupation of a land for Islam occurs when you deceive or kill kings, princes and leaders. Their money (like the petro-dollars of today) made even the king of the land believe that the Sharia had perfect instructions for life. What is happening in England is exactly the same thing that happened in Indonesia 700 years ago.
Gordon Brown’s Treasury spokesman said (February 18, 2008): "We want the City of London to be one of the gateways globally for Islamic financial products." Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury said (February 7, 2008) that the Shari’a was “unavoidable and necessary for social cohesion” in the UK simply because of some Muslims disinterest in relating to the British legal system. 

While God expects the Archbishop of Canterbury to open the eyes of his Government (as the prophet Nathan did to King David), he, instead, has paved the ground for more of Islam and for the establishment of Allah’s kingdom in his land. Allah’s deceiving agents have not only been able to deceive many secular citizens and leaders in the West, but also the governments and even some Christian leaders.
While the cries and shed blood of thousands of Muslim students and citizens in Islamic Countries (i.e. the citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who have been fighting against the Shari’a for years, with so many having been killed) say that Shari’a tightens the limits for freedom, is not compatible with democracy and is unbearable. Dr. Williams, on the contrary, states that Shari’a is essential for Muslims and English people and that they have no choice but to bear the discriminatory instructions associated with the practice of the Sahri’a, the Law of Islam. 

Do these leaders know that their country is already a soft touch for terrorists? Are they aware that such an irresponsible approach to any principle of Sharia opens the door for more terrorism, since Sharia limits the freedom of choice? They know this. They also know that they are dependent on the Muslims’ oil. What about the Archbishop? Does he know that his country is in danger? Our fear is that the Archbishop may have been influenced by the “altruism” of western materialism, which denies any belief in “right or wrong”or “good or bad” and leads everybody to accept whatever knocks on their door because it is “unavoidable”. The Archbishop also used the same “unavoidable” in accepting Islam and its law.
Allah and the Qur’an have taught the committed Muslims the principles of undermining (Taqiyya in Arabic) non-Muslim values. Committed Muslims know the principles of Taqiyya very well. They are so good at clothing themselves as angels of light outwardly while carrying the ax (or Taqiyya) under their garments even to the palaces or leaders’ offices. The interfaith dialogue of Muslims with Christian leaders is also one of the channels of Islamic Taqiyya that aims to open the door for the establishment of Sharia in non-Islamic societies. Committed Muslims come to you as your friends, but in reality are enemies prepared for every kind of destruction. Recognize that they were even able to deceive the man who is the head of millions of Anglicans and claims to have the shield of Christ that protects him and his followers from the arrows of the deceiving one. Now, not only is he unable to protect himself and his followers from the invasion of Islam, but he also paves the way for the establishment of the kingdom of Allah in the UK.
Sadly, many British people are not aware of the disloyalty of their leaders to their country. They are not aware that their openness to the Islamic way of life and economy will lead London to become like the present day Jerusalem. The Muslims of that land do not believe in any rights for others, and are aiming to cleanse Israel from non-Muslims. This land was once in the hands of England. Not only this land, but also Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait, whose kings were appointed by the British Colonial Authorities. Even the appointed kings did not believe in equal opportunity for non-Muslims in their lands, including Christians. Now, not only do the minority Muslim leaders in Palestine, Jerusalem and Gaza believe that Jews in Israel should not have any rights, but the Muslim leaders of England too.
While Islam prohibits Muslims from integrating, and forces them to dominate over others, leaders in the West fear the economic pressures or the violence on the part of committed Muslims, and therefore refuse to speak in favour of democratic laws, but rather see the solution in a complete surrender. What a shame! Those who are expected to stand against the discrimination, threats and violence of Allah, instead, surrender to him.
The protection of individual rights in the West has been one of its oldest traditions. The Christians of the West paid a huge price in order to make freedom possible for every individual, every race, and every nationality. Now the West is becoming increasingly hostile to the Christian faith.
What are the solutions?
1.    All westerners need to stand against the Sharia. Many non-Christian westerners do not know that Sharia is stricter on them than on Christians. According to the Qur’an (chapter 9), Christians and Jews can buy their lives yearly if they want to live, but other non-Muslims have only one choice; die if they reject Islam or live if they accept Islam.
2.    The West depends on the oil of Islamic countries and this dependence means that the West has to accept Allah’s mind, which is the root of all problems and does not tolerate non-Islamic values. As long as the oil profits of Islamic countries are funneled into the pockets of a hostile ideology, threats to the western citizens will increase.
3.    The West has become indifferent to its own history and cultural values. The shame of colonialism, parochialism, racism and slavery in the past has rid many westerners of national responsiveness. Added to these is the altruistic multiculturalism of the West that gives equal or greater validity to Islam than to other religions and beliefs. If you are indifferent to your values and the rights of your own nation, of course the enemy will penetrate and demolish easily. Westerners need to return to the roots of their cultural values and find the key factors that helped them to establish democracy in order to once again protect them.
4. Last but not least, many Christians have also given up and do not want to pay a price in order to encourage their weary people to take on the light yoke of Christ in order to rid themselves of the political, social, educational or financial burdens that are leading to yoke them to Islam.
If we give up, our enemies will take over.

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