Our lives begin to end when we become silent about the things that matter
(Martin Luther King)
In the first part, I commented on those people who refuse to learn from the history and therefore put themselves in a position which is not pleasant at all.
Let me to continue it with the conscience awakening philosophy of the Bible which believes that the lack of knowledge is the greatest destroyer of life (Hos.4:6). Not only the lack of knowledge destroys spiritually, but also socially, politically and morally, etc. Indeed, if a person is not built by knowledge on a firm foundation spiritually, the other areas of his life too will be unstable. For example; it will be impossible for a person to have a long lasting peaceful relationship with others without having peace in his own heart and life.
God has created man in a way that without discovering the best relational value, he would perish. Lack of knowledge is the gate way for evil to enter and occupy. This is the direction the West has chosen, unfortunately. It says, “All cultures are good”, and therefore there is no need for the best, and thereby for integration. This opens and has opened the door for those groups who want to assert their authorities and drive the others out of their territories. As a result of this, some Muslim leaders in the West reject integration and demand segregated schools and self-governing, ghettos ruled by Shari’a (the Law of Islam). Some Western authorities have already opened the door for such an authoritarian belief since they quietly abandoned the suburbs to the immigrants from decades ago. The violence in France is a result of this. French government has even failed in the basic task of government, securing the safety of its citizen’s life and work.
What has caused the West to allow tolerance for such a violence and hatred that are undermining the freedom of the majority? Why has the West forgotten its heroes who put their lives for freedom from decades and centuries ago? What has caused the West to betray it heroes? Why Islam, which is under obligation to slaughter and gain power over other nations, has more space in the West than any other religious groups?
When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order (Prov.28:2).
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of the world rather than on Christ (Col.2:8).
About Daniel Shayesteh
Dr Daniel was born into a Muslim family in Northern Iran. He became a radical Muslim leader and teacher of Islam in the militant Free Islamic Revolutionary Movement, closely supporting Ayatollah Khomeini. However, after falling out of favor with Khomeini’s political group, he escaped to Turkey where there began an amazing journey to faith in Jesus Christ.
Daniel's mission is to help others understand and lovingly respond to those who do not know Christ. He is also deeply concerned for the future of Western societies, their loss of confidence in Judeo-Christian values, and their persistent naivete about the implications of the world-wide Islamic revival.
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