Saudi Arabia, the most active country in financing terrorism, has already started the war with your country and has endangered its national security. It has supported mosques and other organizations which are spreading Wahhabism, the state religion of Saudi Arabia. They are establishing hot-beds of terrorism, everywhere. They preach hatred, teach jihad, and encourage polygamy, as well as child marriages and forced marriages. Saudi officials do not allow you to take your holy book to Saudi Arabia if you are a non-Muslim, but Saudi Arabians have been free to build thousands of Islamic centers, schools and mosques in Europe, North America, South America, Australia, Asia and Africa in less than a decade. It is Islam that teaches them this One-Way Freedom.
Islamic One-Way Freedom is anything but freedom; it is the enemy of true freedom. It slyly enters free societies in order to destroy real freedom. Islamists abuse freedom in democratic countries in order to establish their authoritarian religion at the cost of free values. They are now paving the road for the full establishment of Islamic law in your country. Once it is established, your country will become like Saudi Arabia or Iran, where Islam is the ruler, and humanity crushed under its dictatorship.
Many giant financial institutions in western countries are expanding their regulations to cater to the financial principles of Islamic states, purely to make more money. Islamic banking principles are not only for banking: they are a weapon for financial warfare. Their goal is to establish the Islamic community’s supremacy gradually, until everything in the country falls into Islamists’ hands. Great Britain is the outstanding contemporary example of this. Leaders in this country opened the door to Islamic financing decades ago. Now Islamic courts have become part of judiciary system in England. In Great Britain, the Islamists’ money has carried with itself a religion which is establishing itself in England and is aiming at the erosion of all other religions and beliefs in this country. If English people do not wake up and speak out, it will not take long for their country to become an Islamic nation.
Please do not wait for your presidents, prime ministers and politicians. Many of them have fallen into a pit of political correctness and multiculturalism. They are paralyzed with fear and ignorance, and unable to confront the Islamic threats. They value their jobs more than their (your) country and therefore keep quiet against Islamic conspiracy. They do not recognize that their silence and indifference is a betrayal to their own nation.
If they loved their country, Islamists would not be able to disregard democratic values and impose themselves on the majority. Your politicians are ignoring the fact that all Islamic countries disregard Reciprocity, Equal Opportunity, Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, even though they are legally accountable to the world through their signatures to the United Nations international agreements. Yet your politicians turn a blind eye when the servants of these Islamic countries spread their inhumane principles in your country and breach the rights of others. The money of the petrol lords has blinded many of these politicians to such a degree that they are unable to ancitipate the disasters which loom in the future as a result of the Islamists’ investments.
What can you do in such a situation, where many politicians are unwilling to solve or address the problem of Islam imposed on your country? If ever there was a moment for you to speak out against the Islamist vision for your nation, and stand for the democratic values that moment is now.
You need to:
1. Speak out and show that you care for the rights of your fellow citizens.
2. Stand behind those who are courageous and speak out.
3. Help your community to know the truth and act on the truth, before it is too late.
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